Changes to Senior Classifications
The Executive would like to bring an important
update to your attention. The Competitions
Committee in cooperation with SNS has reviewed
the Senior Tier categories and has decided to
make the following changes to better align them
with the changes that were made last year to
the youth and performance stream categories:
- What was formerly known as Senior B (Jones,
DeWolfe, and Ritchie divisions in the MSWSL)
will now be classified as Senior A.
- What was formerly known as Senior C (in
Metro under the CISL) will now be classified
as Senior B.
There will be no changes to who has provincial
championships only Senior A will have a
Provincial tournament and the SNS player fees
will remain the same. The only major change is
that the C category will now have the ability to
use call ups under the SNS Player Movement
For those teams registering in the Jones,
DeWolfe, and Ritchie Divisions, please ensure
that your players and team are registered as
Senior A in the Goaline System. Likewise, clubs
registering players to the former C division,
will now need to ensure that the players are
registered as Senior B. All the required
changes have been made in Goaline to facilitate
Please ensure this information gets back to
your club admins / registrars to ensure you are
all registered properly. If you have any
questions, please contact the Executive and we
will be happy to assist. We also ask that club
admins please pass this information on to your
team contacts for what was once the Senior C
league as we are still in the process of
collecting all of their contact information.
MSWSL Executive